Term Of Use

Use of content :

All content on the charity website is our property and is protected by copyright laws. Any use, reproduction, without written permission from us, is not allowed and may be prosecuted.


All trademarks, logos and trademarks on the Charity website are owned by us or their respective owners. Any use of these marks without written permission from us or their respective owners is prohibited.


We try to present the content and information on our website in an accurate and complete manner, but we cannot guarantee that the content will always be free of any errors or defects. Any use of the information on the website is the responsibility of the user and we are not responsible for it.

Links to other sites:

The Charity's website may contain links to other sites or resources in the form of services or content. We are not responsible for the content, privacy or performance of these sites and their use is the responsibility of the user.

Protection of author's rights:

All authors' rights, copyright and other intellectual property rights related to the content submitted by users on the charity website belong to them.

Changes to Terms:

We may change the Terms of Use at any time without notice. Therefore, it is recommended that users check the new terms before using the website again.

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